ARCHBISHOP John Bathersby of Brisbane has questioned whether a parish that changes the structure of the sacraments can remain part of the archdiocesan or universal Church.
His comments follow a controversy over invalid baptisms at St Mary’s Parish, South Brisbane.
It was revealed last month that the words used by South Brisbane parish administrator Fr Peter Kennedy and priest-in-residence Fr Terry Fitzpatrick during baptisms were not appropriate, thereby nullifying the sacrament.
Instead of baptising in the name of the ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, the two priests at South Brisbane have instead changed the words to ‘Creator, Liberator and Sustainer’.
After being told of the practice by a concerned grandparent earlier this year, the archbishop declared the baptisms invalid and instructed Fr Kennedy to use only the valid baptismal formula.
Fr Kennedy has reportedly said he did not believe the baptisms were invalid but that the parish had told the archbishop ‘some time ago’ it would use the traditional words.
Archbishop Bathersby said the canonical advice he had received was that the baptisms were invalid and that rebaptism would be required.
Archdiocesan Chancellor, Fr Jim Spence, said parents who are unsure whether their child has been properly baptised should approach their parish priest and ask for a conditional baptism.