ARCHBISHOP John Bathersby of Brisbane has credited an archdiocesan-wide prayer campaign as the driving force behind a wave of blessings for the Church in south-east Queensland.
Marking the first anniversary of the Come Holy Spirit Prayer campaign on July 22, the archbishop said “great things” had happened because of people’s prayers.
He said many people had written to him expressing their support for the campaign.
About 100 people gathered at the Marymac Centre in Annerley to hear of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in the past 12 months and the archbishop renew the campaign, on the feast of St Mary Magdalene, the first witness of the risen Christ.
Archbishop Bathersby said among the tangible results of the prayer campaign were the establishment of a Bible Institute at Petrie, the continued growth of NET (National Evangelisation Teams), the Men Alive program, the Mothers’ Prayer Group, the visit of Nigerian Bishop Lucius Ugorji with the promise of priests to serve in the archdiocese, the appointment of a lay vocations promoter, the subsequent stirring in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, the continuing growth of parish councils, the enthusiastic launch of Brisbane’s journey to World Youth Day 2008, the expansion of Catholic education and Centacare services, the establishment of a youth commission, the opening of the Francis Rush Centre in the City and the encouraging crowds at Easter and Christmas Masses.
He said the campaign’s 799 prayer club, which encourages people to pray at 7am, 9am and 9pm each day, had helped to deepen his own prayer life.
Archbishop Bathersby also launched a new prayer card and other prayer resources at the gathering.