A BRISBANE man, raising funds to educate school children about the value of life before birth, has shed more than 14kg since mid-June as he prepares for the Bridge to Brisbane race later this month.
Leon Stark said any funds raised would go towards buying “precious hands and feet pins” to be given to school-age children as part of this education.
Mr Stark, who stands at about 2.03m, said he had dropped from 122kg to 108kg since he started training and had raised more than $1500. He started fundraising in conjunction with Cherish Life Queensland.
“Because of my concern of lack of information about life before birth
given to children, we decided any funds will go toward purchasing ‘precious hands and feet’ (symbols) to be given to school-age children in order to give them a sense of something other than what the secular world gives them,” he said.
“So when Cherish Life Queensland goes into schools to talk about self respect and life, the children can walk away with something that may give them a lasting impression and help form their opinions about what constitutes life.
“I’m sure that seeing these little hands and feet will make a big impact on young people, encouraging them to think of someone other than themselves. The pins will also make the unborn baby more real”.
Mr Stark said he had never been a big runner. “However, because of my training I hope to do the 10km run in under an hour which would be quite a feat for me.
“I am now telling everyone, if I can raise another $1500 I will give it my all to run it in under an hour. Last Sunday I managed to run the distance in 59.09 minutes so I’m certainly on track.”
Mr Stark encouraged all people concerned about the “scourge of abortion” to get involved in raising public awareness in some way or other.
“Do fundraising for education … run, walk whatever. Call your local paper, write a letter … just get out of your comfort zone.”
The Bridge to Brisbane race will be held on August 30. To sponsor Leon Stark contact him on 0402 438 439.