THOUSANDS were “Welcomed Back to All Hallows'” last weekend for a program of events to celebrate the Brisbane all-girls Catholic school’s 150-year history.
The celebrations were part of the year of “Living Mercy” in recognition of the school’s founders the Sisters of Mercy.
Archbishop John Bathersby of Brisbane presided at the July 23 Mass in the grounds of the school and with Brisbane’s Story Bridge as its backdrop.
All Hallows’ director of mission Angela O’Malley said more than 3000 people, including past and present students, attended.
“A particularly moving moment was the Procession of 150 including current students and past school captains,” Ms O’Malley said.
“(They) wound (their) way across the icon terrace overlooking the Brisbane River.
“(And) a few tears of pride and joy were shed as 96-year-old former school captain Marj Douglas took her place in the procession.”
Ms O’Malley said July 24 events included “a stunning choral and orchestral concert by past and current students”.
“(And) the whole weekend no doubt created some special memories that will now become part of the school’s wonderful history,” she said.
Last weekend’s celebrations were testament to the leadership and vision of the Sisters of Mercy who founded All Hallows’ School after their arrival in Brisbane on May 10, 1861.