VOLUNTEER organisers and musicians are responding to a call by the Brisbane East Deanery Pastoral Council to bring a sense of excitement and energy to youth ministry.
A series of youth rallies and special events are planned for parishes throughout the deanery, beginning later this year.
The events will combine music, multimedia presentations and guest speakers, who will talk on issues relevant to youth and provide a focus for youth groups.
They will also co-ordinate with youth ministry workshops and training, and move around the parishes, helping existing teams and starting new youth ministry groups.
“These types of events are not new to youth ministry in Brisbane,” project organiser Grant Sparks said.
“The success of regular youth gatherings such as ‘Fuel’ and ‘Ignite’ have shown us that young people respond to the message of the Church if we take the time to communicate with them.
“Music is an important part of that. Luckily for us, music is a language that our Church speaks well.
“In 2005, the deanery considered our model for youth ministry and we realised that we needed a multi-year approach, where each step builds on the last.”
Mr Sparks said the first step had been to establish in the deanery the equipment needed to perform youth ministry and host those types of events.
Camp Hill parish priest, Missionary of the Sacred Heart Father Gerard McCormick, has agreed to provide a home for the new project, providing space and support for the volunteers to come together for workshops, practice and training.
Planning has already begun for the first event at Camp Hill later this year, which will be combined with a youth Mass.
Regular events would then move to other parishes.
“Right now we’re looking for musicians, artists and people experienced with sound equipment or multimedia to come forward and volunteer some of their time,” Mr Sparks said.
In response to this call, talented people from throughout the archdiocese have already pledged their support, including Brisbane based Catholic songwriter Nihal D’Silva, who has been involved in youth ministry at Carina parish.
“Any talented Catholic musicians, who have a love for contemporary Christian music, should come along. If you are willing to rehearse and work with the band we need you now,” Mr D’Silva said.
In coming weeks auditions, rehearsals and information sessions will be held at Camp Hill parish to welcome volunteers and musicians willing to support the project.
For details e-mail Grant Sparks on grant@sparks.to or visit the deanery youth Web site at http://parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/east/youth