THE Australian Catholic Bishops’ Commission for Pastoral Life in partnership with the Broken Bay Institute (BBI) is offering scholarships to the value of $10,000 for study in Catholic Youth and Campus Ministry in 2012-13.
A spokesperson for the commission said that, over the past decade, Australia has experienced a significant increase in the standard and professionalism of Catholic youth ministry.
“From local parish initiatives, school formation programs and World Youth Days, the requirements and expectations on a youth minister have been even increasing,” the spokesperson said.
“The Broken Bay Institute has been part of this journey over the past 10 years, offering Australia’s first certificate in Catholic Youth Ministry over seven years ago, hosting the ‘Builders and Dreamers’ youth ministry symposium in 2006, offering units of study around the WYD experience in 2005, 2008 and 2011, and now by offering the University of Newcastle-BBI Graduate Certificate in Youth and Campus Ministry.
“Together, the Bishops’ Commission for Pastoral Life and the Broken Bay Institute would like to bring another first to the Church community of Australia – a scholarship program for youth ministers to take their ministry and formation to the next level.”
Three scholarships will be offered through the Broken Bay Institute – one full scholarship (valued at $5140) and two half scholarships ($2570 each), for study of the BBI Graduate Certificate in Youth and Campus Ministry.
These scholarships are to be used for study in 2012 and 2013.
The bishops’ commission is also providing each successful applicant with a complementary registration to the Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Convention 2012, to be held on September 21-23 in Campbelltown, NSW.
Applications will close at 5pm on December 2, 2011. Applications need to be sent either by mail or email to: Malcolm Hart, Senior Youth Ministry Projects Officer, Bishops’ Commission for Pastoral Life – Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, 61 Fernberg Rd, Paddington Qld 4064; or email
Applications will be reviewed by a scholarship panel in the week beginning December 5. Successful applicants will be notified in the week beginning December 12.
Successful applicants will be selected on the following criteria:
• Completion of the BCPL and BBI Youth Ministry Scholarship Application form in writing and submitted by the due date (5pm, December 2)
• Applicants must have completed an under-graduate degree (Bachelor level)
• Express an interest and commitment to youth ministry in an Australian context
• Identify experience and practice of local youth ministry
• Outline an intention to utilise the scholarship to further develop their approach and practice of youth ministry.
For further information contact Malcolm Hart, Senior Youth Ministry Projects Officer, Bishops Commission for Pastoral Life – Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, 61 Fernberg Rd, Paddington, Qld 4064; email: or phone (07) 3109 6806.