THE second Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Convention (ACYMC) will be held in Campbelltown, NSW, from September 21-23.
Organisers are expecting up to 500 participants from around the country to attend.
They said participants would include people who minister with young people in parishes, schools, religious orders, dioceses, universities, movements and communities.
Recently appointed Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Delegate for Youth Bishop Anthony Fisher of Parramatta will attend and meet many of the key youth ministry leaders from around the country.
“It will be exciting to be back amongst a special group of people in Australia who I have missed since World Youth Day 2008,” Bishop Fisher said.
“There have been many great successes since WYD in Sydney, and we must continue to build upon them and listen to the Holy Spirit in all we do.
“The convention is a special moment where those in youth ministry can do this.”
Over the past 12 months an organising committee chaired by senior youth ministry projects officer with the Bishops’ Commission for Pastoral Life Malcolm Hart has been developing the program and preparing for this important biennial convention.
“Our focus for this year’s gathering is to explore the Bishops Conference Statement Anointed and Sent: an Australian vision for Catholic Youth Ministry,” Malcolm said.
“Our keynote speakers (Benedictine) Sr Hilda Scott, (Oblate) Fr Christian Fini and Mr Shayne Bennett will explore each of the goals of the document, and our workshops and expo will provide practical strategies and resources for youth ministry.”
The convention was first held in Melbourne in 2010 when more than 400 participants, including seven bishops, gathered together over three days.
The convention has now increased its capacity and creativity, investing significant time in modelling good youth ministry practices.
The ACYMC 2012 will be held at the Campbelltown Catholic Club. The convention will include presentations on youth mental health issues, social networking protocols as well as giving the opportunity to utilise social networking forums such as Facebook and Twitter for participant discussion and feedback.
The full program, registration and further details about the convention are available at
A promotional video clip highlighting the 2010 convention and testimonies form participants, together with some presentations from the 2010 convention, can also be found on the website or via the ACBC youth Ministry YouTube channel