DARRA-JINDALEE Parish’s youth Mass at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Darra on March 28 was an ‘inspiring and uplifting evening’, said Brisbane Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Oudeman.
Bishop Oudeman celebrated the Mass on March 28 and after the homily led a commissioning ceremony for youth ministry leaders and the youth ministry team for 2004.
He said he was impressed by the active participation and enthusiastic involvement of the parish community.
‘The church was full to overflowing,’ he said.
‘Young and old were interacting with joy and respect.
‘It was a celebration which generated a lot of hope.’
A member of the youth team, Christian Nobleza, said the parish was blessed to have Bishop Oudeman celebrating the Mass.
‘The parish youth ministry team believes it is a significant process to invite our bishops to actively engage in the faith journey of our young people,’ he said.
‘We especially invited Bishop Oudeman to the parish because of his link with the multicultural communities across the archdiocese, knowing Darra-Jindalee is a very culturally diverse parish community.
‘His presence was definitely appreciated by the entire congregation, especially with the young people, who for many it was the first time they saw a bishop in person.’
A short break for pizza followed the Mass allowing Bishop Oudeman to meet and greet the parish’s young people.
Later, an hour-long discussion forum on ‘Being Young Today – What can the Church offer?’ allowed the young people to question Bishop Oudeman about faith and issues they encountered every day.
‘This dialogue was a positive experience and definitely inspirational as Bishop Oudeman shared with us his life experiences and that he too was young at one stage,’ Christian said.
‘It was eye-opener to see that bishops are not just authoritative figures, but are compassionate men who want nothing more than to be with their people.’
For more information phone Christian on (0401) 017 144.