YOUNG voices in Jubilee parish are ringing out.
Two choristers Harriet Curran and Ingrid Bartkowiak have been presented the RSCM (Royal School of Church Music) Voice for Life Dark Blue Ribbon Award.
The girls are part of the choir at St Brigid’s, Red Hill, and completed the course as part of the 2010 Adelaide “Summer School”.
Choir organist Roland Bartkowiak said the choir had embarked on the “Voice for Life” program.
It’s “to develop their vocal skills, their musical understanding and their knowledge of the repertoire, with focus on what it means and relevance to the liturgy and Church calendar”, he said.
“They are invited to reflect upon and develop their contribution and commitment to the team. “This training aims to encourage and develop a vital singing culture in the community.”
Jubilee associate pastor Fr James O’Donoghue presented the awards.
Roland said the choir was looking for new “recruits” as part of its “preparation of joyous music for the Christmas season”.
Those interested are invited to call him on (07) 3367 1098.