FR Chris Ryan, who was chosen to accompany the World Youth Day Cross and Icon around Australia, said the “handover” from one diocese to another, as seen in Gatton on August 17 when Brisbane officially welcomed these great symbols of faith, is always an emotional moment.
“There’s always sadness when one diocese says goodbye to the Cross and Icon… and then there’s the certain optimism in the faces of those who take over,” the Missionary of God’s Love priest said.
Fr Ryan expressed his own joy in witnessing thousands of people of all ages come together in faith, as seen at various diocesan and local events since the handover.
“The great thing about visits like the one in Brisbane is that they make World Youth Day tangible, with a real taste of what’s to come in Sydney next year.”
Fr Ryan commended organisers within Brisbane archdiocese for their professionalism and commitment.
Conscious that one day not long after WYD08 he too will farewell the Cross and Icon, Fr Ryan said he has “been thinking about that day and preparing for it.”
“Each day I’m amazed at their impact … it has been an awesome privilege.”