MEMBERS of Townsville’s young adult group WildFire gathered for an end of year celebration on November 18.
The evening began with Mass celebrated by Fr Matthew Donnelly at the home of Diocesan Youth Ministry co-ordinator Rachel Grahl.
About 20 young people attended to give thanks for the WildFire group over the past 12 months.
“I had never hosted Mass at home before,” Rachel said.
“It was a rare insight into how it may have been for the earliest Christian communities – the same Church we are part of today.
“Those gathered were moved by this insight.”
After Mass, the group sat down to dinner and chatted into the night.
WildFire started after a Young Adult Weekend Experience held in Paluma in February.
The group has met fortnightly through the year to discuss their Catholic faith, to pray together and to gather socially.
Townsville Catholic Youth Ministry is looking to renew the group next year by heading to Paluma again in late March.
Young adults aged 18-35 are invited to participate.
“We are excited by the prospect of holding another weekend, after a year of meeting, discussion and friendship,” Rachel said.
She said WildFire would resume meeting in January.
For more information on youth activities in Townsville diocese e-mail Rachel at