YOUNG people from across Queensland can develop their formation as Christian leaders by attending the annual Movers and Shakers program in Toowoomba next month.
However, the chance to be involved is becoming slimmer with the final day for registration being next Friday, March 18.
The Movers and Shakers program, a leadership training program for young people aged 16 to 25, will be held at the James Byrne Centre from April 17 to 21.
Brisbane archdiocesan youth ministry co-ordinator Michael Hart said Movers and Shakers was “a long-term investment in the development of young Christian leaders”.
“Movers and Shakers has been running for 20 years throughout Queensland,” he said.
“In that time more than 1500 young people have come through the program developing leadership skills and building confidence to use back in their parishes, schools and communities,” he said.
Jacinta McKinlay, sponsored by her parish in Emerald to attend in 2003, said she had received many benefits through involvement in the program.
“It was an incredible experience and gave me a new insight into the vitality that exists in the Church and opportunities for young people to be involved,” she said.
“A few years later I went back as a small-group facilitator, assisting me to grow further in my faith and leadership skills.”
Jacinta has gone on to gain a Bachelor of Behavioural Sciences majoring in counselling and a Bachelor of Arts majoring in social justice.
Her experience on NET (National Evangelisations Teams), both in Australia and Africa, and then as a NET staff member, along with her participation in Movers and Shakers, has resulted in Jacinta recently being appointed as the youth ministry co-ordinator for Brisbane Central Deanery.
For more information phone (07) 3109 6800, email or contact your local diocesan youth office.
Online registration can be done at