BEING appointed the youth ministry co-ordinator at All Saints’ Parish, Albany Creek was like ‘coming home after a long time travelling’, according to Majella Allen.
She said with the position came a profound sense of fulfilment.
‘I know I’m exactly where I’m called to be, at exactly the right time,’ she said.
Majella officially took over the co-ordinator’s role last month when former co-ordinator Nahum Kozak moved to Toowoomba to study theatre at the University of Southern Queensland.
The 18 year-old has been involved in youth ministry from a young age, serving in parishes throughout far north Queensland including St Michael’s, Gordonvale and St Augustine’s, Mossman, and more recently in Brisbane in music, youth and retreat ministries.
After graduating from Kedron State High School in 2002, Majella joined the Passionist Youth Retreat Team and has been on many retreats with the ‘fantastic’ people on the team in 2003 and 2004.
She said youth ministry was not just about running fun and exciting programs for young people.
‘My passion is to see young people receive a glimpse of their potential and their capacity to bring about amazing things,’ she said.
‘The best part about being in youth ministry is sharing with a young person the moment when they begin to realise their worth and value to God and to the world.’
She said her vision was simply to rise up young people to empower each other through God and through fostering a sense of community among young people.
Majella hopes that young people will come to understand their importance and have a real sense of being treasured and needed by the people around them.