A QUEENSLANDER is among the winners of the “Capture the Spirit” photo competition for Australian pilgrims who attended World Youth Day 2000 in Rome.
An initiative of the Bishops’ Committee for the Laity, the photo competition invited the young pilgrims to enter photos they had taken in the Holy City during August.
The winners are:
First prize ($500 each): Michael Delaney of Botany, NSW for “A Glance at the Great Papa”.
Alice Priest of Port Pirie, South Australia for “Pilgrims not Tourists”.
Second prize ($150 each): Julie Brcar of Orchard Hills, NSW for “Australians in Vatican Square”.
Ian Blazey of Castle Hill, NSW for “Vive la Papa! Vive la Papa!”.
Third prize ($100 each): Stuart Roberts of Kelvin Grove, Queensland for “Alive”.
The entries were chosen from hundreds nationwide, all of which will be compiled and designed to create a travelling photo exhibition.
It is hoped the exhibition will travel throughout Australia.
Chairman of the Bishops’ Committee for the Laity, Bishop Peter Connors of Ballarat, said that during the Australian bishops’ conference last month, the bishops heard many stories from young people about the celebrations in Rome.
“The clear message is that faith among young people is alive and it is exciting, healthy and adventurous,” he said. “The winning photos clearly reflect that sort of energy.”
Catholic Youth Ministry in Melbourne has also released a book containing the testimonies of a number of pilgrims who journeyed to Rome.
The book entitled Testimonies to the Glory of God: World Youth Day Pilgrimage AD 2000 also contains the stories of five priests and four bishops, including Archbishop George Pell of Melbourne.
Among the pilgrims was a film crew which made a film entitled Believers which follows the travellers from Australia through Israel to Rome.
Archbishop Pell formally launched the book and film on December 15 at the Cardinal Knox Centre in Melbourne.