“BUILDING relationship with Jesus” and each other, an array of cultures and ages shared a Lenten retreat on April 9 at the Sacred Heart Centre, Runcorn.
Organised by the Ethnic Youth Ministry Council (EYMC) with four members of Fras-sati Ministries on hand as facilitators, the day focused on leading young people to the Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation).
“(It) was a very good opportunity for the young people to build their relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour,” EYMC chairperson Society of Christ Father Sylvester Karasiuk said.
Young people took the time to listen and were also actively involved during reflections on the Stations of the Cross and the closing Mass. Brisbane archdiocese’s Episcopal Vicar for Migrants and Refugees Bishop Joseph Oudeman celebrated the Mass also sharing his insights on how to “build our relationship with God”.
An evaluation form documented that the majority of participants said the retreat was “excellent” with 15 of them having not been to a retreat before.
More photos can be seen via the Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care website on www.multiculturalcare.org.au and going to the “ethnic communities” tab.