BRISBANE’S next Spirituality in the Pub night will canvass the Australian bishops’ Ash Wednesday statement of repentance.
This statement referred in particular to indigenous Australians, especially the stolen generation, those who had suffered sexual or other abuse in the Church, and those it had partly neglected, namely women, youth and migrants.
Guests will be Bishop Michael Putney, who helped write the document, Virginia van der Meer, who is campus minister at Clairvaux/MacKillop College and Upper Mt Gravatt parish’s youth ministry co-ordinator, Rosemary Bell from the Murri community and Jose Zepeda from the archdiocesan Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care.
The YCW’s Gav Duffy will chair the evening in Dooley’s, Fortitude Valley, from 7.30pm-9pm on Monday May 1.