ARCHBISHOP John Bathersby led about 40 young people through the streets of inner Brisbane on August 10 for the annual Y-Walk City pilgrimage organised by the Brisbane Vocation Centre.
The walk’s theme, ‘From Pavement to Paradise’, focused on the life of Fr Joseph Canali, architect, engineer and priest, who lived and worked in Brisbane from 1872-1915.
The pilgrimage began at St Stephen’s Chapel, with a talk by Archbishop Bathersby on the importance of pilgrimage in young people’s lives today.
First-time walker Anna McAuliffe said the Y-Walk was a great opportunity for young people across the archdiocese to get together.
‘It was interesting to learn about Fr Canali and some of the history of Brisbane,’ she said.
Joseph Canali came to Brisbane to complete the building of St Stephen’s Cathedral.
He was later ordained at the cathedral.
Second stop on the pilgrimage was St James’ College, where Fr Canali taught for several years, for a multimedia presentation on his life.
Other stops included Villa Maria, where Fr Canali was chaplain to the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, and All Hallows’ original convent chapel, where he celebrated his first Mass.
The pilgrimage ended at St Patrick’s Church, where Fr Canali lived in the presbytery for more than 30 years, for a special liturgy.
A prayer card, prepared for the Y-Walk, was also read as part of the liturgy.
Emma Ryan said this year’s walk was ‘even better’ than last year.
‘It was more thorough, and there were many chances to reflect upon particular aspects of Fr Canali’s life,’ she said.
To obtain a copy of the prayer card, contact the Brisbane Vocation Centre on (07) 3224 3392 or e-mail