Gluttony turns people into mere consumers, exploiters of the planet, Pope Francis says
ONE of the most dangerous vices is gluttony, turning people who are meant to be custodians of creation into mere ...
ONE of the most dangerous vices is gluttony, turning people who are meant to be custodians of creation into mere ...
DURING the last two years of COVID-19 restrictions Sr Salvacion Bunao has witnessed a new and massive demand for her ...
THIRTY sisters of the Da Lat Lovers of the Holy Cross hurriedly prepared and cooked rice, fish, meat and vegetables, ...
Doors close: People unload food and provisions from the back of a ute, which was distributed by firefighters throughout a ...
Giving back: Aquinas College staff members Siobhan Eames, Carol Curran, Toni Wolf, Gaye Thompson, Michelle Weti preparing food for the ...
Solidarity: Mira Tedjo joined the Act for Peace Ration Challenge to raise money for people living in refugee camps by ...
Homeless: “Many homeless people remain invisible, couch surfing or living in temporary shelters, and not getting picked up by the ...
City charity: Food factory manager Winston Cheng with volunteer Bernie Palings, who helps with city barbecues for the homeless, and ...
Homeless venture: Food production managing director Winston Cheng and Grant Richards begin their new venture offering free food to Brisbane’s ...
Making a difference: SumoSalad store manager Whitney Chapman offering free soups to Brisbane’s homeless as part of a national partnership ...
POPE Francis has named 21 news cardinals including one for Australia – Bishop Mykola Bychok of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic...
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The Catholic Leader is an Australian award-winning Catholic newspaper that has been published by the Archdiocese of Brisbane since 1929. Our journalism seeks to provide a full, accurate and balanced Catholic perspective of local, national and international news while upholding the dignity of the human person.
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.