RE this urgent situation regarding vocations that comes to us again and those “Ten Things That Promote Vocations” (Patti Smith, Opinion, CL 14/2/10).
To whom am I giving my life as I say “Yes”, and for what purpose?
Am I sure I know?
Not too often made abundantly clear is the awesome unbounded love that God has for us, one by one, good or bad, holy or wicked.
Jesus walked the length and breadth of Palestine to speak, to feed, to heal, to weep and finally die a criminal’s death in the cruellest way man could devise, to tell us that God his Father loves us, God loves all he has made and every mortal born on this earth. God is love.
A priest is here to be with us, remind us of this awesome truth, to give us the Church’s forgiveness, to bring us to the feet of Jesus, and finally to offer us that consecrated host, Jesus hidden in the bread and wine – He who comes for our good, through pain, suffering, always for our good, our destiny the Kingdom.
Where am I, “out there”, or am I with my hand firmly in His, talking with Him as we go?
This is where I will hear that call to priesthood and the privilege of sharing Him whom I love with a suffering world at my doorstep.
Oxley, Qld