SO this is what it has come to?
Just $11.80 for a human life, if your mother is a concession card holder.
If not, it is $36.10, just a tad more precious.
We should hang our heads in shame that our Health Minister Tanya Plibersek is so passionately pursuing expanded access to the abortion pill RU486 – it is a human pesticide – and that she has waged psychological warfare on Tony Abbott, claiming that as Health Minister he misrepresented the potential risks of RU486.
He did not.
In 2007 an Australian woman died from RU486.
Compare the deafening silence over her death to the uproar over the death of a pregnant woman in Ireland.
Top experts in obstetrics and in emergency health, currently appearing at the coroner’s inquest into Savita Halappanavar’s death, are contradicting the screams that Ireland’s abortion ban prevented the correct treatment of the unfortunate woman.
The World Health Organisation claims Ireland, which bans abortion, has the lowest maternal mortality rate in the world.
RU486 kills the baby alright, but it has also been known to kill mothers.
Pro Life Victoria (Inc)
Brunswick East, Vic