OH no! In addition to tradition, looking at now stripping also from our faith (Allan Madigan, “Searching for vocation ideas”, CL, Easter Sunday) to increase the numbers of priests, is plain wrong.
Our Lord’s words on celibacy are quite clear in Matthew 19, verse 12, surely!
May I also refer Mr Madigan to 1 Corinthians 7, verses 1, 8 and 40.
Celibacy goes back to earliest Christianity. (1a, reference the fourth century “Synod of Elvira” in Spain).
Finally, I wonder who Mr Madigan and other Christians, Catholic and non-Catholic, think the 144,000 worshipping before the Lamb of God are that St John, Our Lord’s beloved disciple, tells us unequivocally in Revelation 14, verse 4, are virgins, and logically, faithful priests.
We need to rediscover, teach and adhere to the hard truths of our Catholic faith.
Being Catholic means carrying the cross, especially today.
In view of the above, may I suggest the right question, Mr Madigan, is: “What does modern man think of this God-made rule (celibacy)?” and not the other way round.
Taigum, Qld