RIGHT indeed to challenge this issue of abortion, we have no conceivable idea how prevalent is this scourge as science gives us the ability to thwart the fruit of our actions, and we play havoc with the gift of life our Father has given to us to bring into existence the next generation.
We mock one of the greatest gifts our loving Father has given us, the gift of initiating life, and every life begun will last for eternity.
At what moment does that live being become a child with a mother and father, our Father knows and heaven weeps at the brief moment of life so many have.
Every encouragement is due to those who spend many hours giving desperate mothers the courage to keep their children.
The fundamental issue is a spiritual one, the only real road to an answer.
We have the courage and conviction to control those very human desires God has given us; take authority over them and use them with wisdom only.
Pursued as we are by all that our enemy will do to corrupt good and bring us under his control we have our answer and I would suggest that we, as the Catholic family that we are, pray daily at that place in our home where we have the Crucifix and Our Lady, and offer a Rosary for all those whom our Father knows will fall under temptation – he alone knows what life each night will bring – and a child and a family will be saved.
Oxley, Ql