I DON’T know much about computers, being over 90 years. I like to evangelise – not by talking much.
I wear a little wooden cross around the neck above my clothes.
I pray once a week (in good weather) at a Mary-statue close to downtown, and hang a sign that reads “Whether glad, sad or wary, pause a while, say a Hail Mary”.
A few pedestrians come to touch the statue.
On four occasions a different person came, prayed, left.
Not knowing how to start a Mary procession, I went alone, praying, rosary in hand, around four streets.
The seventh time, in May 2005, a mother and young son came along; later a few more.
In May 2008, the young mother took over, and she made a very fine procession, praying, singing, carrying a big Mary statue.
Fifty people processed from one church to another church.
I drove 40km for Tridentine (Latin) Mass, till I sold my car.
I’m the only one to make the sign of cross before a meal in this building for 80 elderly.
I always do that before a meal, whether in a restaurant, alone or with others who don’t.
I’ve always received Holy Communion on the tongue, never in the hand.
Guelph, Ontario, Canada