“SUFFER the little children to come unto me.” Given these were the words of Jesus Christ it is reasonable that Prime Minister Julia Gillard would call upon Christian Churches to assist with the care and resettlement of the children of refugees.
Right now, imbued as we all are with the spirit of our first Australian saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop, there will be no shortage of Churches taking up this challenge.
But the Prime Minister and Victorian Premier John Brumby have been very selective about the children we should “suffer”.
When Churches appealed to them to suffer unborn children to come to us, to allow them to be born, they were told to get lost.
In October 2008 John Brumby with the complicity of Julia Gillard passed the world’s worst abortion law.
But just as truth and justice vindicated our Mary MacKillop, so will they vindicate those who truly “suffer the little children” and this pitiless legislation will be repealed … however long it takes.
Pro Life Victoria
East Brunswick, Vic