ONCE, when working in New York, I witnessed saintly Mother Teresa being quizzed on TV news as to what is the worst sin in the eyes of Almighty God.
Her reply was “abortion”.
She explained that the poor woman, who never fully recovers emotionally and often even physically, can still receive His love and merciful forgiveness.
His terrible wrath is on the doctors who in cold blood for money set up their grizzly murder mills to destroy life in its most innocent state, slaying them by the cruellest of methods, even up to birth, tearing them apart limb by limb and crushing the heads of these dear little ones in whom He has already infused a precious eternal soul like no other.
In this day and age, most likely Beethoven would have been aborted.
This silent holocaust is even far more repellent than that of the Nazis and worse than treatment meted out to poor animals and is the personification of evil.
Because I lack university degrees, I felt unqualified to be heard but, our most wonderful knowledgeable and saintly Holy Father has asked all to have the courage to speak out.
A wise person said we are all born with a conscience and access to a universal library of profound insight.
We have but to listen to our hearts.
Even an uneducated soul has a kind of mystical understanding.
A thing which does entitle me to be heard is that I am now 88 years old, but at age 62 had the tremendous shock of discovering I was adopted as my biological parents didn’t marry.
I was Protestant but, the Holy Spirit enlightened my mind when I told God He was my first love and I received my greatest treasure – the gift of the Catholic faith.
I feel great love for the natural parents who didn’t kill me and look forward to meeting and thanking them in Paradise.
Also, I have the greatest affection for the dear parents who took me in and gave me everything.
Why, oh why, in a rich country like Australia are we killing thousands of babies every year and then spending millions creating humans in laboratories and conducting gruesome experiments with living embryos?
The time has come for more folk to have the courage to speak out and this can even incur suffering ridicule and hatred but, to remain silent out of human respect, is a greater evil than those who supported the Nazis.
Ashgrove, Qld