CHRISTIAN morality was trumped again by secular relativism on September 2 when the NSW lower house passed a bill allowing homosexual couples to adopt children.
If it is passed by the upper house, NSW will join the ACT and Western Australia in endorsing callous and cruel legislation condemning innocent children to a lifetime of discomfort and discrimination at the hands of most of their peers, who, rightly or wrongly, do not believe in political correctness.
In addition, this law deliberately denies children their fundamental right to nurture by both a father and a mother; and in reality degrades their status from the dignity of personhood to that of mere chattels.
Legislation of this kind is intended to advance the cause of atheistic humanism together with the destruction of Christianity, and Catholicism in particular.
Obviously, it’s doing quite a good job, for the Catholic Premier and the Catholic Leader of the Opposition in NSW voted in favour of the bill.
They chose to disregard the unambiguous moral teaching of their Church on the sanctity of marriage and the rights of children.
Which state is next on the agenda?
And most importantly, in addition to prayer, what will orthodox Catholics and other Christians do to frustrate the ascendency of this secular relativism which threatens the very moral fibre of our society?
Carindale, Qld