YOUR October 17 edition contained a beautifully written, but sadly, seriously disturbing story titled “We are Guardians of the Unborn’s Silent Innocence”, by Dr David van Gend.
It is truly encouraging that Dr van Gend has had the courage, as a health professional, to publicly express his views so genuinely and impressively.
My hope is that he will get his inspiring message into the general media where it is so needed, as the Cairns case to which he referred has now been decided, and not in favour of the aborted baby, resulting in a more intensive shove by pro-abortionists to have abortion decriminalised in Queensland.
Further statements by Dr van Gend and Dr David Baartz in the Leader (7/11/10) give rise to deeper concerns that the use of abortion drugs are a serious risk to the mother as many times only a partial abortion occurs necessitating further intrusive procedures to endeavour to fix the damage.
Information obtained also tells me that where a baby at 20 weeks into pregnancy, whether stillborn or aborted, is required by law to be given a funeral.
Surely, this is confirmation that the law acknowledges the existence of a living human being, at least at that stage, so why is it not legally “murder” from then onwards at the very least?
I thank God sincerely and gratefully for medical practitioners like Dr David van Gend and Dr David Baartz, and shall pray for them constantly that He will bless them, and all in their profession, who think and act as they do, in their endeavours to protect the innocent and helpless unborn.
Albany Creek, Qld