DENNIS Watt (CL 3/6/01), in his address to the World Communications Day ecumenical service, said that “… the less people care about public life … the less people will be interested in journalism of any kind”.
“I believe that increasing disinterest, cynicism and a sense of disconnection with … public life is one of the greatest challenges confronting editors …it has even greater and more serious ramifications for the future of the country …”
The current format of The Catholic Leader is creditable. It has quality and readability. The key to increasing its success is in the challenge posed in the words of Dennis Watt above. The interest factor.
When the archdiocesan synod meets in May 2003, I for one will be asking whether this paper was a key contributor to its success. Like a computer, what goes into the synod will determine the quality of what comes out. The quality of the participants is not doubted. This paper is needed to provide them
with information and to cross-fertilise ideas.
The report in The Catholic Leader (3/6/01) under the heading of “In the Parishes” had the potential for increased interest and information. Personally I wanted more. I hope that The Catholic Leader will be resourced (if necessary) by the Synod Steering Committee. Readers are looking to know the timetables, background briefings, boundaries, evolving agendas, visions, histories, stakeholders, interest groups, etc.
Reporting is not merely about having a “synod by press release”. Isolating consultation in a parish by parish or a group by group process will be fruitful no doubt.
Detailed reporting is a resource that will add interest and substance to discussions. The rest of Queensland can share in the activities of this archdiocese and perhaps even contribute views through the paper for consideration.
It will be both a local Church and a universal Church in doing this. Media reporting will not produce “copycat” agendas. It will promote individuality and openness rather than conformity. It will lead people to attend local meetings.
Dennis Watt challenged journalists to be torches, illuminating a higher path, a better way, the right way.
Let’s use the next two years to develop information sharing, to be interactive. The benefit will be a five-day synod that is relevant to the faith commitment of a community of individuals empowered by their “Leaders”.
VINCENT HODGE Paddington, Qld