FR Ryan (Real Life, CL 15/2/09) obviously doesn’t know about Barack Obama’s track record on abortion.
First of all he talks about the evil of abortion and then goes on to criticise American bishops who warned about voting for Obama.
He says that this would have caused some Catholic voters to vote for Bush who according to Fr Ryan has caused the deaths of some thousands of American soldiers.
Also Fr Ryan says it has inflicted terrible suffering on countless thousands of innocent people. I would blame the terrorists for the latter not (former) President Bush.
American soldiers 4000 – aborted babies killed over the same period somewhere between 8 or 9 million.
Bush’s decision to send the troops into battle is not necessarily sinful or an evil action. The Catholic Church under the direction of the popes (some of them saints) have on many occasions gone to war in defence of life and liberty.
Does Fr Ryan know Bush tried very hard to turn the tide of abortion during his presidency?
Does Fr Ryan know that Bush sends televised messages of encouragement and support every year to the huge pro-life rally in Washington? Does Fr Ryan know that Bush introduced many pro-life bills?
On the other hand, does Fr Ryan know of Barack Obama’s extreme pro-abortion stance.
One of his first acts in the first week of his presidency was to re-approve abortion funding (Mexico City Policy) to pro-abortion groups overseas – funding which President Bush had stopped.
President Bush put forward a bill to prevent the killing of babies that survive abortion.
Obama voted against it. Obama has a 100 per cent approval ration from the pro-choice lobby and he is by far the most actively pro-abortion president ever to hold that position.
God has let us know from the beginning that if we obey his commandments and strive to lead good lives we will be blessed and have peace.
On the other hand if we do evil we can expect to be severely punished.
Does not the Bible say that the slaughter of the innocents cries out to heaven for vengeance!
Redcliffe, Qld