MRS Debra Geileskey and her Magnificat Meal Movement cult are in the news again.
This time she is peddling slimming pills and driving around in a new Mercedes-Benz. Worse, she is quoted as having received messages from Jesus and that He would make His second coming to her property.
Mrs Geileskey is a victim of her own arrogance in that she claims to know more about God’s plans than Jesus did. In Matthew 24:36, Jesus says, in regard to His second coming, “But of the day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, but the Father only”. Maybe someone will do a new translation with the ending … “but the Father only and Debra Geileskey”.
Before Christ comes again, the Jews must come back to God and accept Christ, thus becoming the recipients of the promises made them by God centuries before the coming of Christ into the world. That the second coming is a long time from the present is a logical conclusion. Yet how soon or how long after the conversion of the Jews Christ will come, is impossible to tell. The Father has reserved this secret to Himself.
Mrs Geileskey’s claim that the second coming would take place after she has built a $41 million basilica is hyperbole. It is reminiscent of the Theosophical Society’s large classical style amphitheatre, built at Balmoral, NSW in 1924 for the second coming. After 1929 the amphitheatre was slowly abandoned, became dilapidated, and eventually disappeared.
Regarding the second coming, it will come like a flash of lighting or as St Paul puts it, “in the twinkling of an eye”. For good reason too, people like Mrs Geileskey will not have the chance to repent, or atheists to convert, when the truth manifests.
KES KARVELIS Parkinson, Qld