HOW important these issues about marriage and divorce raised by Jenny Davies (‘The truth that set me free’, CL 16/11/03) and Fred Dunn (‘Words of comfort to the divorced’, CL 9/11/03) are in a world that is often devoid of the significance and grace of commitment to another person and to God.
My parents separated recently after a very tumultuous and often sad marriage. I believe that both of them are good people and feel that the gift they receive in Holy Communion helps them understand and know that Jesus is with them and a part of them in this difficult and painful time. He is, after all, incarnate.
Do I judge them because of this time apart? No.
Can I see both sides to a story in relation to staying married and seeking a divorce? Yes.
I thank Jenny and Fred for their witness in relation to this often confusing, sensitive and personal matter.
Their writings have caused many of us to think about this issue. All I can offer in relation to this ‘forum’ is a pleading of people as a Christian community to be non-judgmental, caring and supporting. Is this not a real message of Christ in the Gospels?
Jenny uses strong language in relation to hypocrisy of people receiving Holy Communion at Mass. Perhaps our sacrament calls us to even embrace our humanity, failings and fragility – and then seek Jesus in real relationship for strength, wisdom and unconditional love.
I live in the hope that we can all be open to each other, understanding of each other and caring of each other in a catholic (universal!) way.
I thank God for the gift of my Mum and Dad and pray that they feel loved and supported in this difficult and discerning period of their lives.
North Sydney, NSW