RATHER than criticising the editor of The Catholic Leader for publishing Anna McCormack’s comments (CL 20/9/09), I heartily thank him.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, and for me the message is that God is obviously very unhappy about this issue of abortion and is giving us all a stern reminder that we need to do more and work harder.
It always saddens me when women refer to their rights to do whatever they choose with “their bodies”. This is often accompanied by reference to “my children” (when they have decided that they’ll agree to let that lot be born), with no acknowledgment for poor old Dad.
Some go even further by “reassuring” us that they will always put their children first within the family situation – poor old Dad comes last, again.
Little wonder so many relationships break up, or are on rocky ground, and that a lot of men feel a lack of self worth in their partner/parenting role.
Healthy relationships endure when husband and wife live as one, as God intended, and through their love nurture their children until they build their own nests, or go in other directions.
How often have any of us given a gift to a small child only to hear “I wanted a blue one”, then to see the gift chucked on the floor, or worse – no “thank you” for your thought?
The result of an over indulgence of focus on rights rather than responsibility – maybe from mum sharing this attitude with “her” child!
Just imagine how our loving Father must feel when we chuck His most precious gift in life “The Gift of Life” away on the floor, or “murder”, which is the true description.
God gives these precious gifts to parents when He blesses their union by charging them with the responsibility of caring for these gifts which are for both of them, not only for the mother.
Anna, life isn’t all about “women’s rights”, it’s about “human rights” which embraces men, women, children and especially the unborn, for whom I know God has a place really close to Him where they will be forever in His Divine love.
My prayers for you, Anna, and those who think as you do.
May God soften your hearts and open them to welcome, not reject, His most precious of gifts.
Albany Creek, Qld