IT is two weeks since the The Leader ran the story highlighting Susan Gunderson’s plight and her hope of attaining a miracle in Lourdes.
The response from readers right around the country has been phenomenal. We have had letters and donations from as far afield as Victoria and the Northern Territory demonstrating Jesus’ command to love one another.
To date and almost wholly within the past week, we have received almost $6500 in donations and from ticket sales for the appeal concert. The tickets continue to sell well and we expect to have them all sold before the night. The faith that we have in people has certainly not been misplaced.
A number of religious and several priests have given generously to this appeal and have also offered their prayers and Masses!
The letters that people have sent have served to strengthen our belief that Our Lady will obtain this miracle for Susan, and Steven will respond to the letters as time permits.
Steven and Susan are so overwhelmed that people care enough about their situation to help like this and when Susan recovers her power of speech, she will thank you all (possibly with an Irish accent).
From a couple in country Victoria comes this: ‘The miracle to me was that I accepted the changes in my husband without resentment, learnt more tolerance and patience and understanding of what God requires of us’. This lady said that this was the greatest miracle, even though her husband, after visiting Lourdes recovered from severe head injuries.
One lady made Samantha Gunderson a rosary after reading the article. Another man from north Queensland who gets The Leader every week, in sending his donation, offered his prayers and said he will keep up with the news via The Catholic Leader.
A 90 year-old lady from Innisfail, who visited Lourdes 50 years earlier, said that time is running out for her, and enclosed a substantial donation. To that lady, to all benefactors and to all those who are praying, Fr Carmel Flora will remember you in every Mass offered on the pilgrimage.
The Irish Businessmen’s Association is having a pre-Rugby World Cup Breakfast in Brisbane and will donate all the proceeds to Susan’s appeal. For further details contact James Sloane on (0412) 649 896. If you are able to support this breakfast please do so.
Our heartfelt thanks goes to The Catholic Leader which has publicised Susan’s story.
As Marist Father John Rea said in last week’s Catholic Leader, the one constant in cases of healing was that someone must have faith.
Susan Gunderson definitely has faith, the children have faith and all those who have given her their support have faith and we thank God for that.
May God bless all of you for your generosity and prayers.
Greenslopes, Qld