IS it not interesting that the use of the word “consubstantial” is causing some concern in the “new words for worship”?
I remember using it in the English translation of the Latin Mass Creed, in England, in my small Roman Missal from 1952 until 1961, when I came to Australia where the Mass in English was just being introduced – “Begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father”.
Surely there are still some priests, nuns and laity of my vintage (I’m 75) who remember singing the Latin Creed “Genitum non factum, consubstanialem Patri”.
I am really looking forward to the usage of a “more accurate translation” of the Latin, particularly “and also with your spirit” for “et cum spiritu tuo” – much better than “and also with you”, with which I have never been comfortable (for 50 years).
Southport, Qld