THESE days there seems to be great emphasis on attracting people into the Church (congregation).
It appears that these days most people mistake the building where people worship as the Church. According to the Bible, the Church is the worshippers.
As I see it there is nothing wrong with bringing people into the congregation. In fact, as Christians, it is our responsibility (1 Peter 2:5-6).
We need, however, to question why we are zealous about the number of members we have, and why we are bringing them in, and what do we do when they come.
Are we bringing them in because of the church budget, so as to get more money or to compete with the one up the road, or so we can boast of having the biggest number in our district? If this is the case, we are doing it for the wrong reasons (1 Corinthians 1:29-31).
We should do it as the spirit gives us liberty, counting not the cost, and not for personal gain or glory, but for the love of God in return for His love for us, we also do it in love for others (John 4:9-14).
There is a need for everyone to choose whom they will serve, the world, religion or God our Creator and the head of the Church (Philippians 1:14-16).
Always work with the end results in mind.
Gatton, Qld