“EXCITING”, “fresh” and “inspiring” are key elements featuring in the Our Lady of Fatima Latin American Community Youth Groups.
A revamp undertaken by the community has led to the formation of two youth groups each catering for the different needs of young people growing up in Brisbane.
“Encounter Youth” is targeted towards 12-17-year-olds and “is a space where teenagers can share their love of God and learn about how God’s teachings can be applied to everyday encounters that young people are faced with daily”.
The group meets every fortnight at the Our Lady of Fatima Hall.
Discussion topics have included “Mirror Mirror”, “What is Truth anyway?” and, “An Easter Reflection”.
“One of the highlights of the early part of this year was our participation in the Stations of the Cross re-enactment,” a spokesperson said.
“This was co-ordinated by Encounter Youth and saw many hours dedicated to rehearsals and practising scripts in Spanish (not the easiest feat, as many of the participants were born in Australia and predominantly speak English at home).”
Encounter Youth is preparing for an annual youth retreat in July.
“We are looking forward to a weekend of incredible activities, prayer and worship and a place where we can talk about the real issues affecting Catholic teens today,” the community spokesperson said.
The community’s 18-30-year-olds have a new group called “Y-Ink”.
“With only a few meetings under our belt so far, this group is already gathering momentum,” the community spokesman said.
“It is especially targeted towards international students and meets every fortnight followed by Mass at St Patricks Catholic Church, Fortitude Valley.
“We look forward to welcoming some new faces throughout the year at our upcoming retreats and other activities.
“Our community is vibrant, excited and most of all blessed to have youths that are so passionate and committed towards learning more about the amazing faith we have the privilege to be a part of.”