INTERNATIONAL Youth Day is held on August 12 and this year’s theme is youth migration.
The UN are using the day to launch a World Youth Report, which will detail the experiences and challenges faced by young migrants.
Youth are recognised as one of the most mobile social groups, representing about 30 per cent of international migrants.
They face many challenges when trying to settle in to a new location, with many of them finding it difficult to connect with the community.
Community run programs that help these young migrants form friendships and feel connected to the community are essential to their establishing a new home.
In our experience, young migrants often feel isolated, and can be on the end of ignorant racism.
I believe that all migrants suffer through this isolation and hostility at some level.
To curb the isolation they experience and to make them feel accepted into the community, Youth Off The Streets ran a program called Floetic Harmony.
The program was funded by the Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship.
It was an opportunity for young migrants to share their creativity and experiences with others in the community.
The program was successful at building respect between young migrants and young people of the area.
Participants of the program built friendships and are better able to appreciate and share their cultural identities.
I believe the World Youth Report will confirm what Youth Off The Streets already knows.
Young migrants often feel disconnected from the community and more community run programs are needed in order for them to develop friendships and a sense of connection and belonging.
Chief Executive Officer
Youth Off The Streets Ltd