I THANK God for the post-Christmas return of our objective, independent publication, The Catholic Leader. The frustrations and the anguish is so apparent in Paul Dobbyn’s story relating to the sad plight of Fr Ladu Yanga’s experience with our (No Room at the Inn) policy on immigration. This major bad policy setting warrants follow-up action, if we are not to be exploited by politicians, who exploit the Christian values at election time, then resort to contemptible and Stalinist-like solution policies.
Dave Martin has the strength of character and purpose to expose the incompetence and neglect that has been condoned by both major party political exponents, who parade behind the law-and-order banner, while retrogressing true and transparent justice to the standards that prevailed in the early 1800s.
When the Royal Commission has completed its task of investigating the Church and institutional failures, it may extend its evaluations in to the state area of criminal neglect that has contributed to incidence of murder, rape and serious assaults, that have been facilitated since the previously agreed policy of segregation of the 17 to 25-years age inmates from the aged and habitual offenders was abandoned by a Labor administration with the compliance of the then Liberal National Party Opposition.
Now the then-Opposition has control, and multiple-occupant and multiple-counter rehabilitation practices are excused by corrective services, while 492 units of modern and high security remain empty and abandoned at the Borallon prison. Another asset of the people of Queensland is ignored by politicians while multiple occupancy and mediaeval practices are condoned by a bikie-obsessed administration.