A NATIONAL Day of Action has been organised for Sunday, January 29 to fight the importation of the abortion drug RU486, following a wave of protest over its importation.
More than 4000 submissions have been received by a Senate committee looking into whether the law should be changed to allow RU486 to be available as an abortion drug in Australia.
A conscience vote is set to take place in Federal Parliament on February 9 after a private members’ bill was lodged last year to overturn the current law which allows Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott to decide whether Australian women can access the drug.
The bill would hand the Health Minister’s powers to the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
Senators opposed to the bill have called for the inquiry to be given more time to consider the unprecedented 4000 submissions received.
Queensland Nationals Senator Barnaby Joyce said he was angered to hear on ABC TV on January 18, a statement by the Family Planning Association of NSW that medical abortions were no more dangerous than surgical abortions.
Doctors in support of RU486 in Australia are repeating misleading statements that the procedure has the same maternal death rate as surgical abortion, Australian Against RU486 medical spokeswoman Dr Catherine Lennon said.
Family First Senator Steve Fielding said it was important to write to senators.
“Write to your state’s senators and tell them to vote against the RU486 bill to stop even more abortions and to show genuine concern for women,” he said.