ARCHBISHOP John Bathersby has relaunched Brisbane archdiocese’s vocations centre web site.
The site – – provides contacts and general information about the priesthood.
Archbishop Bathersby calls the priest ‘a man of God … to lead people in the vision of transforming the world according to the mind of Christ’.
The revamped web site has input from priests and seminarians, information about the priestly life and contacts for men considering priesthood.
There is an updated question and answer segment on issues including what priests do, what they are paid, what is studied in the seminary, the priesthood’s needs and challenges, celibacy and the sex abuse scandal.
Archdiocesan vocations director Fr Tony Randazzo said it was no more difficult being a priest today than it was hundreds of years ago.
‘The challenge is always there to be a witness to Christ,’ he said. ‘A priest has to be a messenger of hope and a community leader who will gather people together, preach for them and celebrate the Eucharist.’