MOST of Australia’s diocesan seminaries have fewer vocations to the priesthood this year, but there is some optimism for the future.
In Brisbane, Archbishop John Bathersby revealed in a letter to priests last week that he was delighted to welcome four new Brisbane students to Banyo Seminary this year. The number of new seminarians last year was five.
Banyo’s new rector, Fr Michael McCarthy, said there were 17 men in formation for Queensland dioceses.
“They are a great bunch of young men,” he said. “My optimism is that we’ll have good numbers of priests in the years ahead.
“But it will have to be a joint effort by the whole Queensland Church.”
At Corpus Christi Seminary, Melbourne, there were about eight new entries this year, said rector Fr Michael McKenna. Eleven men began studies at the seminary last year.
Fourteen men are entering the Seminary of the Good Shepherd, Sydney, compared to eight last year.
Fr Warren Mossfield who is rector of Vianney College, the Wagga Wagga diocesan seminary, said there had been some expressions of interest, but he was unsure of the intake this year. Four men entered the seminary last year and there are 20 seminarians at the college.
St Charles’ Seminary, Perth, has three newcomers this year. At the beginning of 2000 there was an intake of six candidates.
At Redemptoris Mater Seminary, Perth, there are eight new candidates, compared to five last year.
St Francis Xavier Seminary in Adelaide has no new candidates this year compared to two last year.