THE floods that devastated Townsville in February last year swamped the St Margaret Mary’s College music room and theatre to the point it had to be demolished and rebuilt.
But good fortune prevailed over the floodwaters.
When builders were preparing the new building site after the demolition work, they unearthed a Year 9 History class time capsule from 1988.
Due to the building works since then, the capsule had been forgotten.
Within the time capsule were hand-written letters from the Year 9 History students, magazines, newspapers, devices and sentimental items.
One past student who had been involved in the burial commented on the school’s Facebook post about the discovery and said she would “love to read the letters”.
“(I’m) so glad you found it,” she said.
The 1988 time capsule was the idea of Rachel Pucko, from the History class, who thought it would be an excellent idea for the college to be part of the 1988 Australian Bi-Centennial celebrations, by preserving some of the college’s history and sentimental items.
Year 9 History teacher Ann Gibbon, with the help from the college groundsman, organised the capsule and its burial.
The contents brought curiosity and laughter from current students at the college.
Recently, Linda Robertson (nee Jacques) was reunited with her 1988 school uniform.
The new building site will host a music centre, which would be ready for this coming school year.
“Our music centre will be a hub for our instrumental and vocal students, music ensembles and choir,” a school spokesperson said.
“Break-out rooms as well as purpose-built classrooms will allow our students to harness their creative genius.
“A renovated courtyard area will allow our students to meet in a beautiful setting which will take in the newly renovated theatre space.
“We are very excited that expected completion is for the start of our new school year 2020.”
Later in 2020, the college hopes to build and re-bury a new time capsule.