A LANDMARK Brisbane church is in danger of being eaten away by termites.
The pests have taken over Our Lady of Victories Church at Bowen Hills and are posing a threat to the structure of the building.
About $10,000 is needed for pest control work to prevent the church from being eaten away.
The Our Lady of Victories community is appealing for donations to help stop the termites before they do irreparable damage.
The parish recently had to use up hard-earned funds on other capital works, including extensive guttering replacement.
Parish priest, Society of Christ Father Stanislaw Wrona, said the church was held dear by Catholics beyond the Polish community that worships there.
‘Many marriages, baptisms and funerals have been held here,’ he said. ‘And the blue cross illuminating the Brisbane evening landscape stands as a perpetual light and testament commemorating the armed forces of World War I,’ he said.
Donations or inquiries to Our Lady of Victories Church, Bowen Hills Parish, 1 Roche Ave, Bowen Hills, Qld 4006, phone (07) 3252 2200.