SOCIAL isolation has become part of a new normal for Australians, which brought new challenges and hardships, but that still has not stopped people from sharing gifts and giving of themselves to others.
Last week, Brisbane archdiocese launched a campaign calling on people to share the word about just those gifts – or Small Blessings – with the wider community to inspire more and more.
Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge said stories of Small Blessings needed to be told because they “tell a story that’s more powerful than any virus”.
“There’s a lot of gloom around at the moment,” Archbishop Coleridge said in a video posted online, inviting people to create and share their own small blessings.
“But for all the gloom of COVID-19, there are still many blessings to be shared and to be grateful for.
“There are blessings to be found in the very human stories which may not hit the headlines.
“Stories of medical staff, pastors, care-givers, educators, police, transport and supermarket workers, cleaners and volunteers of every kind.
“Stories about everyday people, in our families and communities, who are reaching out and giving of themselves to others in this difficult time.”
The Small Blessings website said the community campaign celebrated the “good deeds we do for each other in times of need”.
The site invited people to write a blessing of 150 characters or less to share with the community.
“So we bring you the Small Blessings campaign, an opportunity for all to express our gratitude for gifts given and received,” Archbishop Coleridge said.
“We invite you to look for the blessings that surround you and share these with us on our website and through social media, and also to look for opportunities to be and create small blessings for others.
“Above all, the Easter story is a celebration of new life and of hope.
“It reminds us that Christ blesses us with his love each and every day.
“So let’s honour and celebrate that message by being, creating and sharing our own small blessings with each other.”
Share your Small Blessings at and the Archdiocese of Brisbane will share them to inspire others.