A HOSPITAL room, a group of mischievous actors and unwitting scrub nurses are bound to send guests into stitches during the inaugural St Vincent’s Private Hospital Theatre Restaurant.
The event, to be held Saturday, September 7 from 6.30pm at the St Patrick’s Cathedral Centre, is the hospital’s major fundraiser for 2013.
Hospital general manager Carl Yuile said all proceeds would go to the hospital’s surgical theatre redevelopment.
“It will be a night of great fun and laughter for a good cause, for both the hospital staff and local community,” he said.
Hosted by National Morning News presenter Samantha Heathwood and Toowoomba Regional Councillor Geoff McDonald, the night will feature “Thank God You’re Here” style skits.
There will also be a silent auction and a unique medi-couture fashion parade starring theatre nurses from St Vincent’s Hospital.
“The hospital is thankful for the goodwill and support of the community,” Mr Yuile said.
“The theatre restaurant evening is a chance for our staff and supporters to let down their hair and have some fun.
“As they say, laughter is the best medicine,”
Bookings can be made through the hospital’s marketing department on (07) 46 904182 or through TOMarketing@stvincents.org.au.
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