A CROSS, flags and a team of flower girls paved the way for the Blessed Sacrament and more than 100 faithful as they prayed their way around Our Lady of Victories church at Bowen Hills for a Corpus Christi procession today.
The procession ran after Polish Mass and was led by Polish Catholic Community chaplain Fr Grzegorz Gawel.
The procession was joined by members of the English Mass community at Bowen Hills as well as Catholics from across Brisbane archdiocese.
The feast comes at a time when many Catholics across the world are unable to undertake a procession because of the pandemic.
Pope Francis, who usually undertakes the traditional papal procession outside Vatican City, will once again celebrate the feast at the altar of St Peter’s Basilica.
During his General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis urged Catholics to deeply contemplate the significance of Corpus Christi.
He said that the Eucharist is a source of much-needed support during difficult moments.
“In the Eucharist, which is a mystery of love and glory, we find the source of grace and light that illuminates the paths of our lives,” he said.
The feast of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, Corpus Christi, was officially instituted by Pope Urban IV in 1264.
It was introduced at a time in the Church when there were many Eucharistic errors taking place, which Pope Urban and others wished to correct.