AUSTRALIAN Columban Father Brian Gore, who was jailed by Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, was among 100,000 people who took to the streets of Bacolod City when people power again led to the overthrow of the mainly Catholic country’s president.
In a few tumultuous days, coinciding with Fr Gore’s visit to the Philippines, the people forced disgraced President Joseph Estrada from office on January 19 with non-violent protest.
Fr Gore told The Catholic Leader by phone from Manila that there was a message for the people of Australia in what they had achieved. He believes Australians may have to make similar peaceful protests against social injustices.
He said that when Mr Estrada was elected he was enormously popular, but disillusionment began when evidence of his corrupt activities emerged.
Then his impeachment trial began and Fr Gore said Filipinos were glued to their TV sets.
“They were also humiliated that their country had to be dragged through this,” he said. “They were increasingly disillusioned by clear evidence of Mr Estrada’s corruption, by his keeping of mistresses, and to whom he was giving more money than he was giving to his wife.”