ARCHBISHOP John Bathersby of Brisbane paid tribute to the Mercy Sisters’ “significant contribution to God’s Kingdom” when he spoke at the recent opening and blessing of the new eight-storey public and private Mater Mothers’ Hospitals in South Brisbane.
The archbishop made the comment at the May 30 blessing and opening of the $188 million facility which will have 88 public, 90 private maternity beds and 16 birthing rooms enabling the delivery of up to 10,000 babies a year.
Queensland Governor Quentin Bryce opened the new facility at a ceremony attended by hundreds of guests and dignitaries including Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Queensland Premier Anna Bligh, Sisters of Mercy, past and present patients and Mater staff.
In his homily, Archbishop Bathersby also noted that “today we rejoice with Sr Sandra Lupi and the Sisters of Mercy, with the Mater Board, for the expansion of the Mater Hospital here in South Brisbane”.
“Over years (the hospital) has already contributed significantly to the well being of the city of Brisbane, the State of Queensland, the mission of the Church in this archdiocese, and ultimately for the greater glory of God.”
The archbishop went on to say that: “In sharing good news and reaching out to the poor and needy Jesus showed us what membership in the Kingdom is meant to be.
“The Sisters of Mercy have picked up that living word and run with it and today we congratulate them on this significant contribution to God’s Kingdom in this splendid building that has already been established here on Mater Hill and that will be significantly expanded through this new building today.”
Mater Health Services chief executive officer Dr John O’Donnell said the opening of the state-of-the-art facility represented a new era in maternity health care and an important milestone for Queensland.
“Since 1961 Mater Health Services has provided maternity services to the community,” he said.
The Mater has a long history in maternity care, with one in six Queenslanders born in the Mater Mothers’ Hospitals.