By Emilie Ng
AUSTRALIAN and African “cross borders” in Brisbane archdiocesan priest Fr Anthony Ekpo’s new book, “The breath of the Spirit in the Church: The Sensus Fidelium and Canon Law”.
The book is Fr Ekpo’s doctoral thesis from the Australian Catholic University.
At the launch of his book on July 10, Fr Ekpo said a theologian’s story “is one of conversion”.
He said the process of writing his doctoral thesis amplified the daily conversion to Christ.
“I learnt a lot about myself while writing this book,” Fr Ekpo said.
Brisbane Archbishop Mark Coleridge launched the book, and said the voice of the book was “genuinely bi-vocal”.
“He is a Nigerian scholar, but with an Australian matrix,” Archbishop Coleridge said.
The Archbishop said the book was “not exactly Charles Dickens” but was more accessible than other doctorates.
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