FIVE recently appointed Australian bishops received special pectoral crosses from Pope John Paul during a meeting for new bishops in Rome from September 15-24.
More than 100 bishops from 33 countries gathered for a pilgrimage to the tomb of St Peter and a colloquium on their pastoral duties.
During the meeting, which was organised by the Congregation for Bishops, the new bishops were told it was essential for every diocese and bishops’ conference to have a pastoral plan for social communications.
President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Archbishop John Foley said that at the Second Vatican Council one of the first documents approved was the Decree on Social Communications.
‘Later, in response to technological advances, political change, including the collapse of Communism, and the approach of the third millennium, our council published Aetatis Novae – At the Dawn of a New Era.’
According to it, and I fully concur, it is essential for every diocese and bishops’ conference to have a pastoral plan for social communications and to make a communications aspect part pf every pastoral plan.’
Brisbane Auxiliary Bishop Brian Finnigan said this was only one of the topics speakers addressed at the colloquium.
Also covered was the bishop’s role as guardian of the faith, as father and shepherd, sanctifier of his people and as a leader of his people.
Other topics dealt with government of a diocese and pastoral care of the family.